Mitt Romney went for the jugular in the first presidential debate last night, overwhelming a lacklustre President Barack Obama with a relentlessly forceful performance that could give a significant boost to his White House hopes.
Trailing by several points in the polls, the Republican challenger needed to put in a strong performance in the first presidential debate in Denver. He more than rose to the occasion with even some of Obama’s most dedicated supporters declaring him the clear winner.
From the outset, Mr Romney chided Mr Obama for promising to halve America’s annual deficit but instead doubling it and even compared him to a little boy who can’t tell the truth.
Feeling good: A confident Mitt Romney pictured with his wife, son and grandson after the debate
Consolation: The Obamas embrace at the end of the evening at Wednesday's debate in Denver
On Obama's claims he'll cut $5trillion in taxes: 'Look, I've got five boys, and I'm used to someone saying something that's not true and keep repeating it.'
On financial reform: 'Dodd-Frank identified some banks as too big to fail. This is the biggest kiss to banks I've ever seen.'
On the middle class: 'Middle-income Americans have seen their income come down by $4,300. This is a tax in and of itself. I’ll call it the economy tax. It’s been crushing.'
On Obama's description of his education plans: 'Mr President, you're entitled to your own airplane and your own house, but not your own facts.'
On why he should win: 'The status quo is not going to cut it.'
On cutting funding to PBS: 'I’m sorry, Jim, I’m going to stop the subsidy to PBS. I’m going to stop other things. I like PBS, I love Big Bird. Actually I like you, too. But I’m not going to keep on spending money on things to borrow money from China to pay for.'
On tax breaks for sending jobs offshore: 'I’ve been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Maybe I need to get a new accountant, but the idea you get a break for shipping jobs overseas, is simply not the case.'
On government spending: 'Spain spends 42 per cent of their total economy on government. We’re now spending 42 per cent of our economy on government. I don’t want to go down the path to Spain.'
On Romney's tax reforms: 'For 18 months he’s been running on this tax plan. And now five weeks before the election, he is saying that his big, bold idea is - never mind.'
On healthcare: 'I have become fond of the term Obamacare.'
On tax loopholes: 'My attitude is that if you’ve got acorporate jet you can probably afford to pay full freight for it.'
On small businesses: 'Under Governor Romney’s definition, there are a whole bunch of millionaires and billionaires who are small business. Donald Trump is small business. And I know Donald trump doesn’t like to think of himself as small anything.'
On Romney's vague healthcare plans: 'At some point the American people have to ask themselves: Is the reason Governor Romney is keeping all these plans secret, is it because they're going to be too good? Because middle class families benefit too much? No.'
On his own record: 'Four years ago, I said that I’m not a perfect man and I wouldn’t be a perfect president. And that’s probably a promise that Governor Romney thinks I’ve kept.'
On Michelle: 'Happy anniversary, sweetie!'
‘Look, I’ve got five boys,' he said. 'I’m used to people saying something that’s not always true, but just keep on repeating it and ultimately hoping I’ll believe it.’
Hitting Mr Obama with a blizzard of statistics, Mr Romney also hit back hard at what he saw as the President mischaracterising his plans: ‘Virtually everything he just said about my tax plan is inaccurate.'
Mr Romney was at the top of his game from the outset, coming across as pithier and punchier than Mr Obama, who seemed taken aback by being confronted so relentlessly and struggled to speak concisely.
The challenger's dominance came despite his having four minutes less talking time than the incumbent - Mr Romney spoke for 38 minutes and 32 seconds, while Mr Obama held the spotlight for 42 minutes and 50 seconds.
A CNN poll of registered voters who watched the debate reflected Mr Romney's perceived victory, as 67 per cent of respondents regarded him as the night's winner compared to just 25 per cent for Mr Obama.
Additionally, 58 per cent thought that the Republican came across as a stronger leader than the Democrat, while twice as many said the evening had made them more likely to vote for Mr Romney as said they were swayed towards the President.
At the start, Mr Obama tried to make the debate about the next four years rather than his four years in office, saying: ‘The question here tonight is not where we've been but where we're going.’
But Mr Romney pummelled him repeatedly on the state of the economy. ‘The people who are having the hard time right now are middle-income Americans. Under the president’s policies, middle-income Americans have been buried,’ he said.
‘They’re just being crushed. Middle-income Americans have seen their income come down by $4,300. This is a tax in and of itself. I’ll call it the economy tax. It’s been crushing.
‘At the same time, gasoline prices have doubled under the president. Electric rates are up. Food prices are up. Health care costs have gone up by $2,500 a family. Middle-income families are being crushed.’
He added: ‘The President said that he’d cut the deficit in half. Unfortunately, he doubled it.'
Mr Obama spent much of the debate looking down at his notes and pursing his lips as Mr Romney spoke. He also appeared hesitant at time and his occasional attempts at humour fell flat.
While Mr Romney maintained his aggressive stance throughout, Mr Obama was surprisingly gentle on his opponent, failing to mention common attack lines on subjects such as Bain Capital outsourcing, the notorious '47 per cent' video and the supposed Republican ‘war on women’.
But Mr Romney declared: 'This is bigger than an election about the two of us as individuals. It’s bigger than our respective parties. It’s an election about the course of America.'
Mr Obama accused Mr Romney of planning a $5trillion tax cut which would go mostly to the rich, but the former governor of Massachusetts denied this, saying he would not enact any tax cut which would add to the deficit and characterising his plans as 'tax relief for the middle class'.
The President criticised his rival for ruling out even $1 of tax rises to accompany $10 of spending cuts, but Mr Romney claimed he could raise extra revenue by boosting the economy as a whole. 'The revenue I get is by more people working, and earning higher pay, and paying more taxes,' he said.
Mr Obama also called for cuts in business allowances such as tax breaks for corporate airplanes, saying: 'My attitude is that if you've got a corporate jet you can probably afford to pay full freight for it.'
In one of the most substantive presidential debates of modern times, the two clashed from the start over the role of government in the economy.
While the President described Mr Romney's plans as 'top-down economics' which would benefit the wealthy, the former Massachusetts governor shot back that Mr Obama's economic agenda had primarily consisted of 'trickle-down government'.
Mr Obama tried to appear tough on cutting the federal deficit and paying down the national debt but Mr Romney responded that Mr Obama was clearly 'not getting the job done', adding: ‘You've been President for four years!'
Mr Romney blasted Mr Obama for not accepting the conclusions of the Simpsons-Bowles commission on the deficit, which had been set up by the White House, and said that he should have pushed harder for Congress to fine-tune the bill. 'The President said he’d cut the deficit in half. Unfortunately, he doubled it.' He added that the debt being passed on to future generations was 'simply not moral'.
Another line of attack from Mr Romney was comparing the American economy to that of the struggling eurozone. He said: 'Spain spends 42 per cent of their total economy on government. We’re now spending 42 per cent of our economy on government. I don’t want to go down the path to Spain.'
Getting along? The two candidates appeared warm towards each other despite their fierce rivalry
Attack and defence: Mr Romney was dominant as his aggressive stance left the President on the back foot
Clashing: The first debate was focussed on domestic policy, especially the economy
Mr Romney, a long-standing critic of the Dodd-Frank Act on financial reform, one of Mr Obama's signature pieces of legislation, attacked the provisions naming five enormous banks as 'too big to fail', saying that provision was 'the biggest kiss that's been given to New York banks' and would hurt smaller institutions.
While conceding that proper regulation was integral to a functioning economy, Mr Romney said that Dodd-Frank had 'unintended consequences' by loading on red tape which made it harder for small financial firms to operate successfully.
But Mr Obama repeatedly insisted that the legislation would prevent a repeat of the 2008 crash, saying: 'Does anybody out there think that the big problem we had is that there was too much oversight and regulation of Wall Street?'
A picture tells a thousand words: Mr Romney appeared delighted with his performance at the end of the evening
Well done, darling: Both candidates are embraced by their wives at the end of the debate as Jim Lehrer looks on
Observant watchers of Wednesday night’s first presidential debate might have noticed a strange dark spot on Mitt Romney’s American flag lapel pin.
The Republican candidate’s bodyman, Garrett Jackson, took to Twitter to explain the anomaly.
‘(It’s a) Secret service star. The agents that protect him gave it to him a long time ago,’ he wrote.
Photos of the pin from Romney’s position on stage don’t show it in fine detail, but it does appear to have a subtle gold and black star.
Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan has been spotted with a similar-looking pin.
Mr Obama sought to use his personal history to bolster his arguments about Medicare and Social Security, talking about his grandmother who lived alone while a widow but who 'could only [do it] because of Medicare and Social Security.'
He also insisted that the entitlement programmes were 'structurally sound' and did not need radical reform - but Mr Romney countered that serious change was necessary to ensure that the plans are 'there for the long term'.
Both promised that they would not cut benefits for older Americans but sharply disagreed about options for younger workers.
Mr Obama said he was cutting down on excessive payments in the system so the program survives for future generations. Mr Romney calls those cuts a slashing from seniors' care to pay for the Democrats' health care law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.
The pair clashed repeatedly over Obamacare - and when Mr Romney used the term, he apologised to his opponent, who replied, 'I like it.'
Mr Romney attacked him for 'spending two years fighting for Obamacare instead of fighting for jobs', and claimed that business owners had told him they had had to stop offering insurance to their employees because of the controversial healthcare law.
Argument: The candidates are hoping to win over undecided voters in key swing states including Colorado
In the hotseat: Experienced PBS anchor Jim Lehrer was the moderator for the debate
Each candidate accused the other of planning to implement education cuts which would harm schools and lead to teachers being sacked.
The two presidential candidates found plenty to disagree on during their first debate last night - but they both pulled their punches on key arguments where they might have been expected to attack.
The President did not mention his opponent's time as head of Bain Capital, a private-equity firm which many Democrats have criticised for sending jobs overseas and laying off workers.
Nor did he allude to a video of Mr Romney at a fundraising event saying that 47 per cent of Americans would not vote for him because they are 'victims' who are dependent on government handouts.
The GOP contender was silent on Libya, despite his previous attacks on the President for not protecting the U.S. consulate where ambassador Chris Stevens was killed last month, and for denying that the raid was a terrorist attack. This topic, however, will almost certainly come up during the third debate, which will focus on foreign policy.
Mr Romney also refrained from targeting Mr Obama's notorious assertion that small-business owners 'didn't build that', even though opposition to that notion was a theme of many speeches at the Republican National Convention.
The decision to avoid these contentious topics apparently shows that the two men are too polite - or too scared - to say to each others' faces the things they will happily talk about behind their backs.
Mr Obama said that Mr Romney would cut a fifth of the Education Department, but the challenger claimed that the President had diverted $90billion - enough to hire 2million teachers - into unproductive 'green jobs'.
Mr Romney insisted, 'I love teachers', and gave a nod to bipartisanship as he praised some of the reforms put in place by Education Secretary Arne Duncan.
The candidates' clash over education led to one of the fieriest moments of the whole evening, when Mr Romney burst out: 'Mr President, you're entitled to your own airplane and your own house, but not your own facts.'
There were flashes of humour in the fierce debate, such as when Mr Obama attacked Mr Romney's policy on businesses by saying that, by the Republican's definition, 'Donald Trump is a small business - and I know Donald Trump doesn't like to think of himself as small anything.'
Mr Romney told moderator Jim Lehrer that he planned to defund his employer, PBS, apologising and saying: 'I like Big Bird - I actually like you too.'
At one point, at the end of an overlong statement, Mr Romney continued, 'Let's talk about...' - but he was interrupted by the moderator saying: 'Let's not.'
Mr Obama was told off by Lehrer several times for talking for too long. When Mr Lehrer told the President, 'Two minutes is up, sir,' Mr Obama replied: 'No, I think I had five seconds before you interrupted me.'
The veteran moderator was criticised by many commentators for failing to be assertive enough - he frequently allowed the candidates to speak beyond their allotted times and to wander off-topic.
The liberal comedian Bill Maher, who has donated $1million to a Super Pac outside group working for Mr Obama’s re-election, tweeted: ‘I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter.’
Afterwards, Mr Obama’s aides all but conceded their man had lost the night. David Axelrod, the President’s chief strategist, would not say that Mr Obama had won. ‘I'm satisfied,’ he said. ‘I think voters will have received the President very very well tonight.’
He added that he expected Mr Romney to get a poll bounce of up to three percentage points: ‘Governor Romney's been practicing for this debate since June and he was very good in the primary debates. I expected him to be very good on the attack - that's his forte. I wasn't surprised to see him perform the way he did.’
Mr Romney’s advisers were jubilant. ‘If it was a boxing match, it would have been called,’ said Eric Fehrnstrom. ‘I've got to believe that the heels on the President's shoes are worn down from being back on them for 90 minutes. I thought Governor Romney was the clear victor.'
The candidate's running mate Paul Ryan issued a statement saying: 'Americans deserve a clear choice about what kind of future we're going to have, and Governor Romney provided that contrast tonight. Mitt won this debate by effectively articulating his positive vision for a better America and the specific solutions needed to achieve it.'
Truce: Michelle Obama greets Ann Romney as they both arrive at the debate in the University of Denver
No bad blood: The two wives seemed to get on as they hugged in front of a large crowd
The stakes in the first debate of the election were huge - but it is hard to guess exactly how the evening will affect the rest of the race.
'The debates could well decide one way or the other' who takes the oath of office next January, Mr Romney said in a CBS interview that aired in advance.
But Mr Obama told the network: 'I don't think that any single factor ends up making a big difference.'
The encounter was the first of three for the candidates. By agreement between the rival campaigns, it was focused on the economy and other domestic issues.
First Lady? Ann Romney sits in the front row at the debate with her son Tagg
Family: Mrs Romney was joined by Tagg and Josh to watch her husband on the big stage
Relaxing: Mitt and Ann Romney watched their children and grandchildren playing Jenga backstage before the debate
The two candidates paid separate visits to the debate hall on the campus of the University of Denver during the day to familiarise themselves with the surroundings.
Before heading off to the debate with his wife Ann, Mr Romney enjoyed dinner from the Cheesecake Factory with four of his sons.
The candidate ate a barbecue sandwich with a side order of spaghetti in his last meal ahead of the showdown.
Mrs Romney had supportive words for her husband, telling him: 'You know what sweetie, you had five boys. You learned to argue really well and make your points years ago. Just go with that.'
On the way: The Romneys held hands as they travelled in a car to the debate at the Unviersity of Denver
Motorcade: President Obama is escorted to the debate by a number of fortified limousines
The Romney campaign got its excuses in early, warning several hours before the debate that the GOP candidate had slept poorly in his Denver hotel two nights earlier.
An aide told Buzzfeed that Mr Romney could barely sleep at all on Monday night thanks to the hotel's proximity to a train line.
Freight trains continued through the night, the aide said, and blew their horns around once an hour.
The noise was apparently so bad that the Romney team considered moving their boss into a different hotel, though they abandoned the plan due to practical difficulties and concerns about Mr Romney's image.
Sleeping problems were blamed for the poor debate performance of Texas governor Rick Perry in the Republican primaries over the past year.
Five weeks before Election Day, early voting is under way in scattered states and beginning in more every day.
Opinion polls show Mr Obama with an advantage nationally and in most of the battleground states where the race is most likely to be decided.
That put particular pressure on Mr Romney to come up with a showing strong enough to alter the course of the campaign.
The sputtering economy served as the debate backdrop, as it has for virtually everything else in the 2012 campaign for the White House.
Mr Obama took office in the shadow of an economic crisis but promised a turnaround that has not materialised.
Economic growth has been sluggish throughout his term, with unemployment above eight per cent since before he took office.
The customary security blended with a festival-like atmosphere in the surrounding area on a warm and sunny day.
The Lumineers performed for free, and Black Eyed Peas frontman delivered a pep talk of sorts to Mr Obama's supporters.
School officials arranged to show the debate on monitors outside the hall for those without tickets.
There was local political theater, too, including female Romney supporters wearing short shorts and holding signs that said, 'What War On Women?' - a rebuttal to a frequent Democratic complaint.
They're backing Barack: from the Black Eyed Peas and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi were both in the audience
The sincerest form of flattery: Two teenage Romney supporters gather before the debate
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